Projects List

(Ordered by personal preference)


Link to Game

A Hypermania Spin-off, that's better then Hypomania in every way. It was created as a part of my College Computing Course, for the Games Design module. Made in a week.

It's the first 3D game I have released publically. I'm not that well capable in modelling objects, so having a style that uses basic shapes helped with speeding along that process.


Link to Game

My first (and currently only) game for a game jam. The jam was for a gaming forum I lurk on a lot.

Unfortunately heavily rushed, and incredibly unpolished in gameplay and visual design, but still was a lot of fun to participate in the jam!

Rock, Paper, Scissors: Extreme Deluxe Ultra Version!

Link to Game

A tounge and cheek version of Rock, Paper, Scissors made with just HTML, CSS and Javascript. Made because I was bored.

Don't Punch Down

Link to Game

Another game based off of an old project, but this time more of a full remake.

I mostly made this to prove to myself that I have improved over time. I'm happy with the outcome, this is way better then the original version of the game (and even has a more sensible title).


Link to Game

A top-down shooter/maze game hybrid. This one's kinda bad gameplay wise, but I do like the theming and visual design.

Has some (now outdated) references to my mental state at the time, but overall the "story" is kinda obscure. It was also my first time using TTS voices.

Never Punch Down

(Always Punch Up)

(And punching sideways is ok)

Link to Game

My first published game online, and because of that it's really bad. The audio is pretty low quality and (I think) it leaks memory the longer you play it.

This was mainly made for me to finally get comfortable with sharing my projects online. I'm very glad (and thankful) that it didn't get immediately removed from Newgrounds as soon as it was put up.

Brandâ„¢ Advertisement

Link to Video

Another project made for my college course. This time, a video advertisement for a product. I think you can tell I didn't take this one as seriously.

This also mentions Brandâ„¢, a joke company I like to reference in my other projects, essentially acting as if most major brands acknowledged the (probably) terrible things they do to create their products.